All wild birds in Iceland are protected under Icelandic Act No. 64/1994, with the exceptions provided for in the hunting season guidelines of the Environment Agency of Iceland. Whooper Swans have been fully protected since 1913.
Nevertheless, illegal hunting does take place in Iceland as this picture of Whooper Swans shot in Iceland graphically shows.
A study of Whooper Swans (Cygnus cygnus) has been carried out by taking X-rays of live birds overwintering in the UK. The study showed that shot-in pellets occurred in 13.2 – 14.9% of all Whooper Swans. The likelihood of a bird having been shot increased with its age.
The study also publishes the cause of death of 361 of 962 ringed Whooper Swans found dead since 1980. Of those which had been shot, 20 had been shot in Iceland, five in the UK, two in Ireland and one in France.
Jól 2024: Hægt er að versla í vefverslun og fá sent í pósti til kl. 14 þann 23. desember. Hægt verður að sækja vöru og versla á staðnum á skrifstofu Fuglaverndar til kl. 15 sama dag. Það verður lokað um jól og Fuglavernd opnar aftur á nýju ári fimmtudag 2. janúar kl. 9. Gleðilega hátíð, fuglavinir nær og fjær. Dismiss
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