Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson awarded

Former chairman of Fuglavernd, Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson, was awarded the Sigríður í Brattholti nature conservation award on September 16th, the Icelandic Nature Day. The recognition was awarded by the Minister of the Environment, Energy, and Climate, Guðlaugur Þór Þórðarson at a ceremony at the Ministry. Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson  has been an avid nature lover throughout his life and contributed to the conservation of nature through various medias like photographing and  writing. He has participated in field studies of birds and was a spokesperson for the restoration of wetland in Flói, Southern Iceland.  On September 29th was the opening night of the documentary “Fuglalíf” ( Birdlife), that is about Jóhann Óli Hilmarsson’s career and life as an observer and documentor of birds and nature.